
reading-armchair-3200x2400Pain is a funny thing.  Pain can lodge itself for years and years and years.  Making itself a guest in the house that is so comfortable that it always gets to sit in the favorite comfy chair. It never leaves. It never goes out for a walk.  It just sits there.  Sometimes we get so irritated and tired of it that we become completely transfixed and just become fixated, obsessed, unable to think about anything else.  The pain is a constant irritant. Demanding attention at all times, in all places, no matter what.

And yet, in a moment of healing, the pain disappears.  How is that possible we wonder?  If it has gone in an instant, was it there all along? And if it was, why can’t I remember it?  If I do remember it, will it come back? If it can be so easily fixed, why couldn’t that have happened a month ago, a year ago, 6 years ago.  When I was a child?


Today I will look for any healing that I can find that has spontaneously occurred, give thanks and praise for it, no matter how big or small.