
Very frequently, we don’t know why it is that we are sick.  “Your tests are all normal.” “You don’t look sick.” “Have you considered anti-depressants?” “You’d feel much better if you just took a walk.”

When we are sick and don’t know why, it is so easy to get caught in a cycle of endless questions: “Is it because I didn’t get enough sleep? Ate the wrong thing? Didn’t eat the right thing? Because I’m a bad person? Because I did something bad in a past life? Because I haven’t worked the Steps hard enough?”

Torturing ourselves with endless questions is not adding to our healing or to our goal of wellness.  Illness is a part of life.  Most people experience it a sometime or another. The trick is to have compassion for ourselves while it’s happening to us.  Compassion for ourselves is always a healthy choice.


Today I choose to find the best way to rest my body, and if I am well enough, seek the best help to wellness that I can find.